

Interactively update your blocks to the latest code in the registry.

npx jsrepo update


Choose which blocks to update.

npx jsrepo update

Update a specific block.

npx jsrepo update utils/math

✨ Update with AI ✨

jsrepo now supports updating your components using an LLM. This is great for when you have updated local components and overwriting from remote is not an option.

Now after viewing the diff between the local and remote file you have 3 options. "Accept", "Reject" and "Update with AI". If you choose "Update with AI" you will be prompted to choose a model and provide the an API token. Once you have provided your API token jsrepo prompts the LLM to update the file then returns the diff of the local file to the updated remote file.

See the demo below:

The models in the demo above may not be up to date see the model list below.



Update all installed components.


npx jsrepo update --all
-E, --expand

Expands the diff past the limit set by --max-unchanged so that you can see the entire file.


npx jsrepo update --expand

Sets a limit on the maximum unchanged lines to display in a diff before it is collapsed. default: 3


npx jsrepo update --max-unchanged 10
-n, --no

Do update any blocks.


npx jsrepo update --no

The repository to download the blocks from.


npx jsrepo update --repo github/ieedan/std
-A, --allow

Allow jsrepo to download code from the provided repo. This skips the initial confirmation prompt when attempting to download a block from a registry not listed in the jsrepo.json file.


npx jsrepo update github/ieedan/std/utils/math --allow
-y, --yes

Skips confirmation prompts. (Not including permissions prompts)


npx jsrepo update --yes

More verbose logging. (May be used to troubleshoot issues)


npx jsrepo update --verbose

Run the current command on the provided directory absolute or relative.


npx jsrepo update --cwd ./sites/docs
-h, --help

Help with the command.


npx jsrepo update --help